
Saturday, December 22, 2007


Badminton - 2 hour

Weightlifting Nutrition - From Performance Menu issues 34 & 35

A complete discussion of nutrition for weightlifting, including bodyweight manipulation and management.

"The fundamental goal of any athletic nutritional approach is to support continued performance gains. Depending on the sport in question, performance-oriented nutrition may or may not be optimally supportive of health. Endurance sports with their demand of enormous quantities of dense carbohydrate sources—at least within the context of a traditional endurance sport nutritional approach; arguments against that are far outside the scope of this article—are probably the least conducive to health and longevity, surpassed perhaps only by bowling. By coincidence only, the nutritional approach that best serves the competitive weightlifter is also one that supports long-term health quite well. Super-heavyweights are an exception in most cases because the remarkably great demand for total calorie intake reaches beyond what can be achieved in an entirely healthy fashion; in addition to this is simply forcing the body to carry significantly more mass than it was intended to."

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