
Saturday, December 29, 2007


Run 10K ~ more like 2 rounds of 5k. I just stopped for about 3 mins between rounds just to feel how my body react to running. Oddly enough I felt quite energetic although the last time i ran long distance was in April for Sheffield Half Marathon. Guessed all the x-fit paid off.
Note to self - yesterday's workout was 3 times brutal'er' than this one.


Post time to comments.

Important message from Coach Rippetoe regarding the use of steroid in training.

I thank you for the opportunity to answer this question on the record. Novices progress in a linear manner. Novices on this program are frequently accused of using steroids, most usually by people that are unfamiliar with the capacity for human adaptation when training, food, and rest are optimal in people who have previously not adapted to them. This adaptation can result in bodyweight and strength increases in novice trainees that are far in excess of what can be obtained by more advanced athletes using steroids. It is not uncommon for novices to gain 40 lbs. of bodyweight and 300 lbs. of squat strength on this program. Anyone who thinks that steroids can improve upon this is inexperienced with both this method and steroids. I have had quite a bit of experience with both.

Therefore when I tell you the following things, you can believe me:

1. Nothing works better for a novice than a linear progression on heavy squats and 1 gallon of whole milk per day. Nothing.

2. Novices who insist on using steroids are lazy bastards who want a shortcut where there is none. The fact that they want a shortcut means that they are not willing to do the work that is actually necessary EVEN IF YOU DO TAKE STEROIDS.

3. There are no shortcuts. The fact that a shortcut is important to you means that you are a pussy. Let me be clear here: if you'd rather take steroids than do your squats heavy and drink enough milk, then you are a ****ing Pussy. I have no time or patience for ****ing Pussies. Please tell everyone you know that I said this.

Wandelai Silva - All Access Training (insane training using snorkel) - Dailymotion
Press Instruction, Part I, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]
Press Instruction Part 2, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]
Press Instruction Part 3, Mark Rippetoe...[wmv][mov]

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